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Your request

I don't have a typical client with typical complaints. My approach is centred on individual client needs and holistic in perspective. As a guide, some areas are listed here where my treatments have proven to be particularly helpful.

Woman supporting her lower back

Chronic pain
(e.g. neck, back, headache)

With craniosacral therapy, you enter a state of self-regulation, where deep-seated patterns and tensions can be released from within. Balancing the nervous system also has a positive effect on pain. Depending on your needs, I combine cranio with tapes, mobilisation or stretching.


Migraine is complex and not all forms of migraine can be alleviated with cranio. However, I often feel tension in the head membranes (dura mater) and/or an energetic imbalance left/right in migraine patients. Structural work can help regain a state of balance and many clients report a significant reduction in intensity and frequency of migraine episodes

Woman receiving craniosacral therapy
Man holding his hand in prayer position in front of his forehead

Anxiety, stress, panic attacks

Do you feel restless, nervous and emotional? Is your sleep rhythm disturbed? Your overwhelmed by the simplest tasks? It could be that your nervous system can no longer self-regulate and is stuck in hyperarousal. Craniosacral work addresses the nervous system directly, i.e. through the vagus nerve. Most clients report a deep sense of calm during the session, both physically and mentally. Sleep and resilience improve as a result.

Depression, burnout, exhaustion

When your energy level is very low, I will pay even more attention to accommodating your pace. If you feel overwhelmed by everyday tasks, you may just want to lay and rest. Craniosacral work helps us reconnect with the "breath of life" and stimulates vitality. At the same time, we build up resources and strengthen you from within, but always at your own pace.

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During whiplash, muscles and ligaments in the cervical spine are overstretched and/or injured. In addition to neck and back pain, concentration problems, tiredness and increased emotionality can also occur. Clients in an acute phase often do not tolerate direct massage or physio. Craniosacral therapy is a proven method to treat post-traumatic symptoms.

In crises, transitions, doubts

Every crisis is an opportunity. In phases of doubt, uncertainty or being overwhelmed, it often makes sense to get help. I offer you a space of neutrality, respect and listening. I support you with body work and conversation so that you come to your center and gain clarity for yourself. 

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pregnant woman holding her belly

During pregnancy

Craniosacral therapy is a wonderful resource during pregnancy. This very gentle treatment relieves back pain and other complaints such as heavy legs, digestive problems or general discomfort. Cranio has a relaxing and calming effect on both mother and child.

Supporting Health

Health is not just the absence of disease! Cranio is ideal for increasing vitality, strengthening well-being and supporting self-healing powers - be it after an operation, a long-term illness or simply to strengthen the immune system and your own health.

happy man opening his arms
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